Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Deals United?
- Deals United is a group buy/daily deal aggregator. We track all the current deals from group buy, daily deal and coupon sites and list them all in one place, saving you from having to search around or check multiple e-mails each day. We offer e-mail updates as well as news feeds and updates via our Facebook and Twitter pages.
- In which regions does Deals United operate?
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Who is Deals United?
- Deals United is part of Base Media, a Brisbane-based firm that focuses on the delivery of digital media.
- Where are the deals I've bought?
- Deals United only helps you find deals on other sites; we don't sell the deals ourselves. For any information about the deals you've bought, you must go back to the site from which you purchased the deals.
- How can I get my deal site listed?
- Please contact us if you have a deal site that isn't already listed on Deals United.